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Updated July 2023



Northcrest Developments and Canada Lands Company are working together to plan the future of their lands in Downsview – a process we call id8 Downsview. An essential part of the process is effective communication and engagement with members of the public, communities, and stakeholders. The landowners are creating and convening the Community Resource Group (CRG) to support a transparent, accountable, and meaningful process informed by multi-way communication between multiple interests including community members, the City of Toronto, Northcrest and Canada Lands.


o provide a forum for sharing perspectives and advice on the planning and development of Downsview with Northcrest Developments and Canada Lands Company, as well as working with convenors to support the City-led Update Downsview processes including the Downsview Community Development Plan and Environmental Assessment and other City-led initiatives.


Will include a diverse mix of organizations and resident / community members representing local and city-wide interests, a diverse mix of socio-economic backgrounds, with a good understanding of the Downsview area, covering a range of sectors, interests, communities of common bond, and geographies such as (but not necessarily limited to):

​       Sectors

  • Business, commercial and institutions

  • Resident, tenant, neighbourhood or community associations

  • Arts and culture organizations

  • Non-profit services providers

  • Community development organizations

  • Recreation and community service representatives

  • Other local and citywide partners


​       Interests

  • Equity and inclusion

  • Community members leading Environment and nature Initiatives

  • Member of Urban agriculture and food chain supply

  • Disabilities and accessibility advocates

  • Housing advocates

  • Urban mobility and transportation advocates

  • Arts, culture and education

  • Other interests

​       Communities of Common Bond

  • People of diverse socio-economic backgrounds

  • Community members of underservecommunities
    and voices generally

    underrepresented in planning processes

  • Community members of African, Caribbean and Black ancestry

  • Persons living with a disability

  • Older Adults/Seniors

  • Youth and youth group representatives

  • Member of urban Indigenous communities ¹

  • 2SLGBTQ+ Community Members

A mix of individuals and organizations are being sought for membership in the Community Resource Group. For participating organizations, each organization will have one consistent representative participating at each meeting. An alternate representative will be identified and able to participate in their absence.


Anyone interested in joining the CRG may apply for membership at any time. All new applications will undergo the same selection process as the earlier applications.  All memberships require unanimous agreement from Northcrest and Canada Lands and are conditional on the acceptance of these Terms of Reference.  

¹ In addition to the formal invitation to the engagement with Treaty Holders.
Please see the Role of Treaty Holders below.


The term is one year. The frequency of meetings will be adjusted to meet planning and development objectives including but not limited to the implementation of the Downsview Community Development Plan.


Draft Proposed Timeline:

• August–December 2023, two-hour meetings every 4 to 6 weeks focused on the Downsview Community Development Plan.

• January–July 2024, two-hour meetings roughly every 2-3 months (focused on other Downsview planning objectives.


First Meeting Date:

Tuesday, August 29th, 2023

5:00 – 6:00 pm light dinner

6:00 – 8:00 pm meeting


Meetings will be held in person in Downsview with a hybrid participation option available.


The CRG will share its perspectives and advice to Northcrest, Canada Lands and the City of Toronto with the assistance of a third-party facilitator. City staff will act as ex-officio members and help inform agendas for the meetings dedicated to the City-led processes.


CRG members, Northcrest, Canada Lands, and the Facilitation team will:

  • Agree to these Terms of Reference;

  • Be transparent about the intention behind their participation in the CRG;

  • Attend meetings and provide adequate notice if both primary and secondary members are unable to attend the meeting;

  • Assist in the development of meeting agendas;

  • Provide material for review in advance of CRG meetings, where possible;

  • Strive to provide accurate, understandable information to each other to support the sharing of informed perspectives and advice;

  • Listen carefully to the perspectives shared and explain how those perspectives have been considered in shaping their understanding and advice;

  • Ensure the results of discussions are accurately documented in the form of meeting summaries that reflect key discussion points and actions; and

  • Agree that all meeting summaries, as well as the Terms of Reference for the CRG, will be shared publicly. 

  • Participate in orientations to key City Equity Strategies including:

    • Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism

    • Poverty Reduction Strategy

    • Reconciliation Action Plan

    • Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy

    • SafeTO


CRG members will also: Communicate to and from those whose interests they represent (e.g. members, communities, stakeholders, etc.); and maintain the ability to advocate outside of the CRG process to advance their perspectives.   


Northcrest and Canada Lands will also: Invite appropriate technical consultants (or other resource people, including relevant government representatives) to attend discussions on specific issues or components of the process; post finalized CRG meeting summaries to the id8 Downsview website; and be the lead contact for media inquiries regarding the CRG. 


The facilitation team will also: Lead the development of meeting agendas; produce a summary of each meeting and make the summary available to participants; and assist in the resolution of issues, as required. 


Role of City of Toronto staff: City Staff will act as ex-officio members of the CRG and will help inform the CRG agendas during the first half of the term focused on the City-led Community Development Plan. At other times, City staff on Update Downsview (and other City staff, as required) will be invited to every CRG meeting to support information sharing and coordination between the id8 Downsview engagement process and the City’s work to update the Downsview Area Secondary Plan (560 hectares) and review OPA application jointly made by Northcrest and Canada Lands for 210 hectares in Downsview.  


City Staff will also leverage the CRG group to seek feedback from members on planning and development objectives including but not limited to the City-led Update Downsview Secondary Plan and Community Development Plan.  


Role of elected officials: Elected officials are ex-officio members of the CRG and are welcome to attend CRG meetings primarily as observers, participating in discussions as/if appropriate to enrich our collective understanding of the issues and opportunities at hand as the id8 Downsview process evolves. 


Role of the Treaty-Holders: The Treaty-Holders will be invited to every CRG meeting. The CRG meetings are not a substitute for the meaningful, direct dialogue with the First Nations. That dialogue will continue to happen as the id8 Downsview process evolves. The invitation and opportunity to attend and participate in the CRG meetings is offered as a means of respect and transparency with the Treaty-Holders.


An honorarium of 125 CAD per meeting will be distributed to CRG members for their time participating in scheduled meetings.


The CRG is a resource group, not a decision-making body. Documented meeting summaries will indicate the discussion, point out areas where perspectives are shared, and areas where opinions differ and why.


The CRG will continue to function while the convenors and CRG members continue to consider this a valuable and constructive contribution to their collective work in Downsview. CRG members are free to leave at any time.


Liaison with the CRG will be led by Ian Hanecak, Senior Manager - Community Relations, Northcrest Development or Jacob Larsen, Development Manager, Canada Lands Company by emailing or calling (647) 245 3399.


These Terms of Reference may be refined as necessary by Northcrest and Canada Lands, in consultation with City of Toronto and CRG members. The updates to date include:
•    September 2023 to clarify the rolling application process for individuals and organizations interested in CRG.

The application for the new term of the Community Resource Group - 2023 to 2024 – is closed. If you would still like to apply for this term of the CRG, please contact the id8 Downsview team at or (647) 245 3399.

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