The Wind Rose was a radial network of 16 square arches designed by Future Simple Studio and installed on the top of the highest mound in Downsview Park.
The structure was inspired by the Downsview airport’s wind rose: a meteorological tool that maps the direction and strength of the wind at a particular location. Beautiful on its own, the installation also hosted a series of dynamic installations over a two-year period. The first installation included 32 blue flags that referenced the sky and showed the powerful winds in this place.
Mi’kmaq artists, Chris and Greg Mitchell of “Born in the North” created two flags for the Downsview Wind Rose. Their flags marked the direction of the prevailing winds and Indigenous people’s connections to this place. Positioned at the installation’s northwest, one flag was white, representing north on the medicine wheel, and one was the black, representing the west. The white flag depicted a traveller to honour Indigenous people’s historic use of this place as an important route for trade and travel. The turtle on the black flag represented the land—Turtle Island—as well as the local wildlife. Its shell referenced a medicine wheel to highlight traditional teachings. The style was reminiscent of petroglyphs from the Eastern Woodlands people.